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Lunes 22 de Mayo de 2023

InES Open Science held a training workshop at the FacSalud’s Research and Postgraduate Education Institute

The instance was carried out in order to obtain information about their main needs and expectations on how Open Science can promote and improve their research.

The InES Open Science project held a series of workshops for researchers from the five research institutes of the Universidad Central de Chile, with the aim of obtaining information on their main needs and expectations on how Open Science can promote and improve their research.

In the activity that took place at the Institute of the Faculty of Health Sciences, one of his assistants, the molecular biologist Cristián Palavecino, said: "it seems to me that this is a very good initiative, it opens me up to things that I had not thought about before, for instance on how to make available to the community the data with which I am working at”. 

For the deputy director of the project, "more than training workshops, they are workshops to gather information, to find out what is the reality of the researchers. We make the most of the instance training and exploring the concept of Open Science, its difficulties and benefits.

“Previously we had done an initial gathering of information using an online survey which was very interesting to analyze, but talking face to face with the researchers is something else, we were able to map and identify arguments, reflections, practices and needs, that in my opinion, we would not have been able to obtain them otherwise,” he added.

Based on this information, the InES Open Science team will analyze the data and strengthen its next stage, consisting of carrying out training on practices that promote Open Science; the installation of an institutional repository; the generation of an institutional research policy based on experience with researchers, all tasks that will be carried out throughout the year 2023.